Osteopathy in Central London

Exercises for Frozen Shoulder

Gentle, targeted exercises are an integral part of frozen shoulder treatment. Exercise can help improve the range of motion, reduce stiffness, and promote recovery. It’s important to start slowly and progress gradually, ensuring that movements do not cause sharp pain. Below are some practical exercises for treating a frozen shoulder:

Pendulum Stretch

Stand with your unaffected hand supported on a table or chair. Let the affected arm hang down and gently swing it in small circles. Perform for 30 seconds and reverse the direction.

Towel Stretch

Hold a towel behind your back with both hands, gently pulling the affected arm upward with the unaffected arm. Repeat 10-20 times daily to improve shoulder mobility.

Cross-Body Stretch

Sit or stand, and gently pull the arm of the affected arm across your body with your unaffected arm. Hold the stretch for 15-30 seconds and repeat a few times daily.

Finger Walk

Stand facing a wall and walk your fingers up the wall as comfortably as possible. Pause, then slowly walk your fingers back down. This exercise helps with overhead motion.

Arm Raises

Hold a stick in both hands while lying on your back. Slowly raise your arms overhead, using the stick to guide the movement.
Perform 10-15 repetitions.

Regularly performing these exercises, combined with physical therapy, can significantly improve the range of motion and relieve pain. A physical therapist can guide you through specific routines to ensure correct form and gradual progression.

Incorporating proper stretching and strengthening exercises tailored to your stage of frozen shoulder will accelerate recovery and help restore function.