Neck Pain Rehabilitation London

We help hard-working individuals achieve total wellness through a series of exercises and methods, so they can go through life without the constant aches and pains, in the least amount of sessions. Our formula is to plan, assess and put together a bespoke treatment plan. Backed by our countless case studies, we’re known for top-quality patient care and treatment with total transparency.


Neck Pain Rehabilitation London

We help hard-working individuals achieve total wellness through a series of exercises and methods, so they can go through life without the constant aches and pains, in the least amount of sessions. Our formula is to plan, assess and put together a bespoke treatment plan. Backed by our countless case studies, we’re known for top-quality patient care and treatment with total transparency.


Neck Pain Rehabilitation London

We help hard-working individuals achieve total wellness through a series of exercises and methods, so they can go through life without the constant aches and pains, in the least amount of sessions. Our formula is to plan, assess and put together a bespoke treatment plan. Backed by our countless case studies, we’re known for top-quality patient care and treatment with total transparency.

Comprehensive Osteopathic Neck Pain Rehabilitation in London: Your Path to Pain Relief

Discover a Haven of Comprehensive Osteopathic Neck Pain Rehabilitation at London’s Prestigious MHV Clinic, situated in the iconic West End. Here at MHV Clinic, we extend beyond the immediate relief from neck pain, offering you an enriching understanding essential for making informed decisions about your health. Our unwavering commitment to excellence ensures that you receive a caliber of care and guidance that stands unparalleled on your journey to recovery.

Our philosophy at MHV Clinic is rooted in the belief that knowledge is a pillar of empowerment. A profound understanding of the intricate causes of neck pain paves the way for a proactive engagement with your well-being. Neck pain, often a silent usurper of life’s quality, has diverse origins – whether it’s the modern-day posture pitfalls, the unexpected jolt of a whiplash, or the creeping onset of degenerative conditions. This understanding, paired with our osteopathic expertise, forms the cornerstone of our tailored approach to your neck pain rehabilitation, focusing on not merely alleviating the pain but addressing the root causes, fostering your body’s intrinsic healing capacities.

Discover a Haven of Comprehensive Osteopathic Neck Pain Rehabilitation at London’s Prestigious MHV Clinic, situated in the iconic West End. Here at MHV Clinic, we extend beyond the immediate relief from neck pain, offering you an enriching understanding essential for making informed decisions about your health. Our unwavering commitment to excellence ensures that you receive a caliber of care and guidance that stands unparalleled on your journey to recovery.

Our philosophy at MHV Clinic is rooted in the belief that knowledge is a pillar of empowerment. A profound understanding of the intricate causes of neck pain paves the way for a proactive engagement with your well-being. Neck pain, often a silent usurper of life’s quality, has diverse origins – whether it’s the modern-day posture pitfalls, the unexpected jolt of a whiplash, or the creeping onset of degenerative conditions. This understanding, paired with our osteopathic expertise, forms the cornerstone of our tailored approach to your neck pain rehabilitation, focusing on not merely alleviating the pain but addressing the root causes, fostering your body’s intrinsic healing capacities.

Embarking on a therapeutic journey with us means stepping into a realm of personalised care. Our array of treatments for different types of neck pain is designed with your unique narrative at the core. From the nuanced realignment techniques for cervical spondylosis to gentle manual therapies for whiplash rehabilitation, each treatment plan is crafted to resonate with your individual needs, promoting a restoration of comfort and mobility. Our vision extends beyond the immediate, as we offer guidance on proactive measures to seamlessly integrate into your daily regimen, ensuring a sustainable relief from neck pain amidst the bustling rhythm of London’s vibrant landscape.

I have been to many osteopath before at least 3- 4 different ones, but no one has been able to get to the root of the problem. It's normally a few clicks on the neck and spine and that is it. But, Poonam really focuses on the issue and loosens the tighten muscle. She advises on what exercises to do, pillow support for the neck and much more. My neck and shoulders feel much better now.
John Doe
MHV Clinic Patient


10 +



0 +

Years Experience


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I have been to many osteopath before at least 3- 4 different ones, but no one has been able to get to the root of the problem. It's normally a few clicks on the neck and spine and that is it. But, Poonam really focuses on the issue and loosens the tighten muscle. She advises on what exercises to do, pillow support for the neck and much more. My neck and shoulders feel much better now.​
John Doe
MHV Clinic Patient
I have been to many osteopath before at least 3- 4 different ones, but no one has been able to get to the root of the problem. It's normally a few clicks on the neck and spine and that is it. But, Poonam really focuses on the issue and loosens the tighten muscle. She advises on what exercises to do, pillow support for the neck and much more. My neck and shoulders feel much better now.
John Doe
MHV Clinic Patient

Understanding Neck Pain and Its Causes

We believe that knowledge is power. Understanding the intricate causes of neck pain empowers you to take control of your well-being. Neck pain can arise from:

Poor Posture: A Key Contributor to Neck Pain

Maintaining proper posture is crucial in preventing neck pain, especially in our increasingly digital world. Prolonged periods of sitting at desks or hunching over electronic devices can strain the neck muscles and lead to discomfort. At MHV Clinic, we emphasise the significance of good posture as a foundational element of neck pain prevention. Learn more about the importance of maintaining proper posture and how it can be a game-changer in reducing strain on your neck muscles.

Preventing Muscle Strain During Physical Activities

Engaging in physical activities is essential for a healthy lifestyle, but improper techniques can lead to muscle strain and neck pain. Whether you’re lifting weights at the gym or participating in sports, it’s crucial to employ safe lifting techniques and movement patterns. MHV Clinic provides guidance on preventing muscle strain during physical activities, helping you stay active and pain-free.


Understanding Whiplash and Its Causes

Whiplash is a common injury that can result from car accidents, sports-related collisions, or sudden jerking motions. Prompt treatment is essential to prevent long-term complications. Explore the causes of whiplash and the importance of immediate intervention in your recovery. MHV Clinic offers gentle treatments, including soft tissue massage, stretching exercises, and manual therapy, aimed at restoring proper alignment and relieving whiplash-related discomfort.

Degenerative Conditions and Their Impact on Neck Pain

Degenerative conditions like cervical spondylosis, herniated discs, and osteoarthritis of the neck can contribute to neck pain. Understanding these conditions and their effects is crucial in seeking appropriate treatment. Gain insights into cervical spondylosis, herniated discs, and osteoarthritis of the neck, including how MHV Clinic’s techniques target these degenerative conditions to provide relief and enhance mobility.

Exploring Medical Conditions & Their Role in Neck Pain

In some cases, underlying medical conditions such as fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis, or even meningitis can lead to neck pain. Understanding the relationship between these medical conditions and neck pain is essential for accurate diagnosis and effective treatment. Learn about the potential role of medical conditions in neck pain and how MHV Clinic’s experienced osteopaths can provide comprehensive care.

Neck pain after working on computer. Young woman massaging neck to relieve pain after working on pc. High quality photo

Exploring Medical Conditions & Their Role in Neck Pain

In some cases, underlying medical conditions such as fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis, or even meningitis can lead to neck pain. Understanding the relationship between these medical conditions and neck pain is essential for accurate diagnosis and effective treatment. Learn about the potential role of medical conditions in neck pain and how MHV Clinic’s experienced osteopaths can provide comprehensive care.

MHV Pain Osteopathic Treatment Clinic London
Warren is undoubtedly an exceptional master of his craft! In the limited number of times I have consulted him for a Full Body MOT, he has astutely pinpointed and effectively addressed issues related to my posture and muscle tension, particularly in my back and neck. The profound impact and unexpected benefits I have experienced by embracing osteopathy as a serious practice became evident after seeking Warren's expertise. His extensive years of experience and remarkable skills are immediately evident through the diverse range of techniques he employs, including electroacupuncture and precise body adjustments. Moreover, Warren's friendly and approachable nature fosters a comfortable environment for discussion, making him an outstanding choice for anyone seeking self-improvement. I wholeheartedly recommend him to individuals looking to enhance their physical well-being
Jesal Mavadiya
MHV Clinic Patient

Symptoms of Neck Pain: What You Should Know

Being well-informed about neck pain symptoms is crucial. Recognise the signs, including:

      • Dull or sharp pain
      • Stiffness
      • Limited neck mobility
      • Radiating pain down the arms
      • Associated symptoms like headaches or dizziness

Understanding these symptoms allows you to seek timely medical attention and begin the journey to relief.

Cervical Sprains and Strains whiplash injury clinic london

Being well-informed about neck pain symptoms is crucial. Recognise the signs, including:

      • Dull or sharp pain
      • Stiffness
      • Limited neck mobility
      • Radiating pain down the arms
      • Associated symptoms like headaches or dizziness

Understanding these symptoms allows you to seek timely medical attention and begin the journey to relief.

Being well-informed about neck pain symptoms is crucial. Recognise the signs, including:

      • Dull or sharp pain
      • Stiffness
      • Limited neck mobility
      • Radiating pain down the arms
      • Associated symptoms like headaches or dizziness

Understanding these symptoms allows you to seek timely medical attention and begin the journey to relief.

Cervical Sprains and Strains whiplash injury clinic london

The Benefits of Osteopathic Neck Pain Rehabilitation

Our osteopathic approach isn’t just about treating the pain; it’s about addressing the root cause and optimising your body’s innate healing abilities. 

Our approach at MHV Clinic goes beyond superficial symptom relief, targeting the underlying causes of your neck pain to promote a long-term recovery. Here’s a deeper dive into what our osteopathic approach entails:

Personalised Treatment Plans:

Every individual’s experience with neck pain is unique, and thus, a one-size-fits-all treatment plan is often ineffective. At MHV Clinic, we meticulously assess your condition, posture, lifestyle, and movement patterns to devise a treatment plan tailored specifically to your needs. Our plans might encompass:

Soft Tissue Manipulation: Soft Tissue Manipulation: Techniques aimed at relaxing tense muscles, improving circulation, and facilitating the healing of strained muscles and ligaments.

Joint Mobilisation: Mobilisation: Gentle movements of the spinal joints to enhance function, alleviate discomfort, and improve mobility.

Personalised Exercises: Exercises specially chosen to strengthen your neck muscles, improve flexibility, and correct any misalignments.

With regular reviews, we ensure that the treatment plan evolves with your progress, continually meeting your needs.

Non-Invasive Healing:

Osteopathy provides a less invasive alternative to surgical interventions. It’s an attractive option for those who are looking for safe and natural methods of treatment. The benefits of our non-invasive approach include:

Lower Risk: Avoiding surgery eliminates risks associated with anaesthesia, infections, and other surgical complications.

Quicker Recovery: Our non-invasive treatments allow for shorter recovery times, enabling you to return to your daily activities sooner.

Cost-Effectiveness: Osteopathic care is often more cost-effective in comparison to surgical interventions.

Holistic Care:

The holistic care at MHV Clinic encompasses not just the physical, but also lifestyle and preventative education to ensure sustainable relief from neck pain. Our holistic approach includes:

Postural Education: We provide detailed guidance on maintaining correct posture whether you’re at work, home or on-the-go to prevent further neck strain.

Ergonomic Advice: Our team offers practical advice on setting up an ergonomic workspace to minimise neck and back strain.

Nutritional Guidance: Proper nutrition plays a crucial role in your recovery. We provide recommendations on a balanced diet that supports your treatment plan.

Exercise Regimen: We help integrate effective exercises into your daily routine to strengthen the neck and upper back muscles, promoting long-term relief.

Sciatica and Nerve Compression Treatment

By considering all aspects of your health and lifestyle, we aim to provide a well-rounded approach to neck pain rehabilitation, enabling you to enjoy a pain-free existence both now and in the future. Our comprehensive care at MHV Clinic ensures that every aspect of your well-being is considered in your journey towards a pain-free life.


PRiVATE Medical Insurance TREATMENT

We are recognised by most leading
private health insurance providers.

Comprehensive Treatment for Various Types of Neck Pain

At MHV Clinic, we offer a wide range of treatments to address different types of neck pain:

Cervical Spondylosis Treatment London

Cervical spondylosis, also known as arthritis of the neck, is a degenerative condition that primarily affects the cervical spine, the portion of your spine in your neck. It occurs due to the wear and tear of the cartilage and bones in the neck over time. Common symptoms of cervical spondylosis include pain, stiffness, and reduced mobility in the neck.

At MHV Clinic, our specialised cervical spondylosis treatment is designed to alleviate these symptoms and improve your quality of life. Our approach focuses on realignment techniques and pressure reduction methods. Through gentle manipulation and targeted therapies, we aim to restore proper alignment of the cervical spine, reduce pressure on affected nerves, and provide relief from pain and stiffness.

Learn more about our cervical spondylosis treatment and take the first step towards a pain-free neck.

[Read more about Cervical Spondylosis Treatment]

Cervical spondylosis problem compared with healthy spine outline diagram. Labeled educational scheme with human backbone disk bulging, bone spurs and narrowed space explanation vector illustration.

Whiplash Rehabilitation London

Whiplash is a neck injury that often occurs due to sudden, forceful back-and-forth movements of the neck, typically resulting from car accidents or sports-related incidents. It can lead to symptoms like neck pain, stiffness, headaches, and even radiating pain down the arms.

At MHV Clinic, our comprehensive whiplash rehabilitation program is tailored to address the unique challenges posed by this injury. Our approach involves a combination of soft tissue massage, stretching exercises, and manual therapy. These gentle treatments are aimed at restoring proper alignment of the neck, relieving discomfort, and promoting a full recovery.

Explore our whiplash rehabilitation options and take the first step towards restoring comfort and mobility in your neck.

[Read more about Whiplash Rehabilitation]

Herniated Disc Treatment London

A herniated disc occurs when the soft inner core of a spinal disc pushes through the tougher outer layer, causing pressure on nearby nerves. This can result in pain, numbness, tingling, and limited mobility, particularly in the neck if the herniation occurs in the cervical spine.

MHV Clinic offers effective herniated disc treatment options to alleviate these symptoms. Our approach aims to reduce pressure on affected nerves and improve overall neck mobility. Through a combination of therapies and exercises, we work to restore comfort and function to your neck.

Discover our herniated disc treatment options and regain control over your neck health.

[Read more about Whiplash Rehabilitation]

Herniated disc injury 3D side view on spinal bone skeleton vector illustration. Medical condition with back trauma pain and nerve root compression by nucleus pulposus. Problematic example comparison.

Osteoarthritis Treatment London

Osteoarthritis in the neck, also known as cervical osteoarthritis, is a degenerative condition that can lead to pain, stiffness, and reduced mobility. It occurs when the cartilage that cushions the joints in the neck wears down over time.

At MHV Clinic, our specialised techniques target osteoarthritis of the neck to provide relief and enhance neck mobility. Our treatments are designed to alleviate pain and improve the overall quality of life for individuals suffering from this condition.

Learn more about our osteoarthritis of the neck treatment and take the first step towards a more comfortable and mobile neck.

[Read more about Osteoarthritis of the Neck Treatment](#)

MHV Pain Osteopathic Treatment Clinic London

1. Schedule An Appointment

Book a consultation with one of our experts


Understand what is causing your pain


Your personalised action plan to get you back on track


Enjoy life, happy and pain free

Proactive Measures to Prevent and Manage Neck Pain

At MHV Clinic, we are committed to helping you take proactive steps to prevent and manage neck pain effectively. By adopting healthy habits and incorporating these strategies into your daily routine, you can reduce the risk of neck pain and enjoy a more comfortable life.

Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment of Whiplash in London
Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment of Whiplash in London

Improving Posture

Maintaining good posture is paramount in preventing neck pain. Poor posture, such as slouching or craning your neck while working or using electronic devices, can strain the neck muscles and lead to discomfort. To improve your posture, consider the following tips and exercises:

Chin Tuck Exercise:

Gently tuck your chin toward your chest while keeping your back straight. Hold for a few seconds and release. This exercise helps align your neck and shoulders properly.

Shoulder Blade Squeeze:

Sit or stand with your arms at your sides. Squeeze your shoulder blades together as if you’re trying to hold a pencil between them. Hold for a few seconds and release. This exercise strengthens the upper back, promoting better posture.

Ergonomic Workspace Setup:

Ensure your workspace, whether at home or in the office, is ergonomically designed. Adjust your chair, desk, and computer monitor to maintain a neutral neck and spine position.

Whiplash treatment by osteopaths in central London near Tottenham Court Road

Effective Screen Time Management

In today’s digital age, excessive screen time is a common contributor to neck strain. Prolonged use of electronic devices, combined with poor ergonomics, can lead to discomfort. To reduce the risk of neck pain associated with screen time, consider these strategies:

Frequent Breaks:

Take regular breaks from screens to stretch and relax your neck muscles.

Eye-Level Screen Placement:

Adjust your screen to eye level to avoid tilting your head up or down for extended periods.1

Ergonomic Accessories:

Invest in ergonomic accessories like laptop stands or monitor risers to achieve a comfortable screen setup.

Ergonomic Workspace to improve Spinal Health

In today’s digital age, excessive screen time is a common contributor to neck strain. Prolonged use of electronic devices, combined with poor ergonomics, can lead to discomfort. To reduce the risk of neck pain associated with screen time, consider these strategies:

Frequent Breaks:

Take regular breaks from screens to stretch and relax your neck muscles.

Eye-Level Screen Placement:

Adjust your screen to eye level to avoid tilting your head up or down for extended periods.1

Ergonomic Accessories:

Invest in ergonomic accessories like laptop stands or monitor risers to achieve a comfortable screen setup.

MHV Pain Osteopathic Treatment Clinic London

Neck Muscle Strengthening Exercises

Regular exercise is essential for strengthening the neck muscles, enhancing flexibility, and minimising the risk of neck pain. Incorporate these neck muscle strengthening exercises into your fitness routine:

Neck Stretch:

Neck Stretch: Gently tilt your head to one side, bringing your ear toward your shoulder. Hold for 15-30 seconds, then switch sides. This exercise improves neck flexibility and reduces tension.

Neck Extension:

Neck Extension: Sit or stand with your spine straight. Slowly tilt your head backward, looking up at the ceiling. Hold for a few seconds and return to the neutral position. This exercise strengthens the muscles at the front of your neck.

Resistance Band Exercises:

Resistance Band Exercises: Use a resistance band to perform various neck strengthening exercises under professional guidance.

Regular exercise is essential for strengthening the neck muscles, enhancing flexibility, and minimising the risk of neck pain. Incorporate these neck muscle strengthening exercises into your fitness routine:

Neck Stretch:

Neck Stretch: Gently tilt your head to one side, bringing your ear toward your shoulder. Hold for 15-30 seconds, then switch sides. This exercise improves neck flexibility and reduces tension.

Neck Extension:

Neck Extension: Sit or stand with your spine straight. Slowly tilt your head backward, looking up at the ceiling. Hold for a few seconds and return to the neutral position. This exercise strengthens the muscles at the front of your neck.

Resistance Band Exercises:

Resistance Band Exercises: Use a resistance band to perform various neck strengthening exercises under professional guidance.

Healthy Weight Maintenance

Maintaining a healthy weight is integral for neck pain prevention, as excess weight can strain your neck muscles. At MHV Clinic, we offer personalized weight management strategies to help alleviate this strain. Through a balanced diet and a customised exercise regimen, our experts provide a roadmap to achieving and maintaining a healthier weight, thereby reducing the risk of neck pain.

We believe in a collaborative approach, ensuring your weight management plan is realistic and sustainable, aligning with your daily routine seamlessly. Our continuous guidance and follow-up consultations are designed to track your progress and adapt strategies as necessary, promoting a healthier, more comfortable life.

[Learn more about proactive measures for neck pain prevention]

Weight Management for Peak Wellness​
Warren is undoubtedly an exceptional master of his craft! In the limited number of times I have consulted him for a Full Body MOT, he has astutely pinpointed and effectively addressed issues related to my posture and muscle tension, particularly in my back and neck. The profound impact and unexpected benefits I have experienced by embracing osteopathy as a serious practice became evident after seeking Warren's expertise. His extensive years of experience and remarkable skills are immediately evident through the diverse range of techniques he employs, including electroacupuncture and precise body adjustments. Moreover, Warren's friendly and approachable nature fosters a comfortable environment for discussion, making him an outstanding choice for anyone seeking self-improvement. I wholeheartedly recommend him to individuals looking to enhance their physical well-being
Jesal Mavadiya
MHV Clinic Patient
Really happy with the service. Warren talked me through my back problems and a set of exercises to do ongoing. Felt a big difference as I was leaving. Would recommend to anyone who wants to diagnose/treat their problem but also reduce/minimise another flare up
Harishyam Chandegra
MHV Clinic Patient

Distinguishing Acute and Chronic Neck Pain

It’s imperative to grasp the distinction between acute and chronic neck pain, as each presents its own set of challenges and necessitates a tailored approach for effective alleviation and management.

Acute Neck Pain: Acute neck pain often strikes suddenly, typically due to specific incidents or injuries. Car accidents, sports-related mishaps, or sudden movements can trigger acute neck pain. Our rehabilitation approach swiftly alleviates pain and restores function, ensuring you regain your active London lifestyle.

Chronic Neck Pain: Chronic neck pain persists for an extended period, often exceeding three months. It’s frequently linked to underlying conditions like degenerative disc disease or osteoarthritis. Our comprehensive rehabilitation approach focuses on addressing the root causes, providing sustained relief from chronic neck pain and enabling you to enjoy all that London has to offer.

MHV Pain Osteopathic Treatment Clinic London

Types of Neck Pain Rehabilitation:

At MHV Clinic, we extend a comprehensive suite of neck pain rehabilitation services, adeptly tailored to meet the distinctive needs associated with various types of neck pain. Our professional and relatable approach ensures that whether your discomfort stems from muscular tension, nerve-related issues, or structural spinal anomalies, you receive a meticulously crafted rehabilitation plan. Set against the vibrant backdrop of London, our clinic stands as a beacon of relief and restoration, offering specialised care that resonates with your unique condition and lifestyle, making each day in the city a more comfortable and enjoyable experience.

Muscular Neck Pain Rehabilitation

Muscular neck pain often results from muscle strain due to factors like poor posture, overuse, or tension. Our rehabilitation techniques encompass soft tissue manipulation and targeted exercises, ensuring you find relief from muscular discomfort in the dynamic city of London.

Nerve-Related Neck Pain Rehabilitation

Nerve-related neck pain can occur when nerves in the neck become compressed or irritated. Conditions like cervical radiculopathy can cause shooting pain, tingling, or numbness down the arm. Our rehabilitation approach is designed to alleviate nerve-related discomfort, ensuring you navigate London’s bustling streets pain-free.

Structural Neck Pain Rehabilitation

Structural neck pain is closely linked to issues within the spinal structures, such as herniated discs or cervical spondylosis. Our rehabilitation techniques aim to address structural imbalances, enhancing spinal health and allowing you to explore London with ease.

Health Insurance Cover for Neck Pain Rehabilitation

Do you have health insurance? You will be happy to learn that most of the leading medical insurance companies cover our services. However, we do require you to pay for treatment at the time of service.

After submitting your application to your service provider, we will send you an invoice. 

Therefore, we strongly recommend that you consult your provider before making an appointment so that you have a clear understanding of the coverage.

Holistic Health Insurance for Osteopathic Treatment in London

Health Insurance Cover for Neck Pain Rehabilitation

Holistic Health Insurance for Osteopathic Treatment in London

Do you have health insurance? You will be happy to learn that most of the leading medical insurance companies cover our services. However, we do require you to pay for treatment at the time of service.

After submitting your application to your service provider, we will send you an invoice. 

Therefore, we strongly recommend that you consult your provider before making an appointment so that you have a clear understanding of the coverage.

Poonam has changed our baby’s life in just one session! He was severely constipated before we saw her, yet the day after seeing her things were already on the move. No more laxatives required! Poonam also found other tension-related issues which we were able to link up with our existing knowledge of our son’s tension-related issues. She is a lovely person too, and I recommend her to everyone!
Kelly Light
MHV Clinic Patient

Health Insurance Cover for Neck Pain Rehabilitation

Do you have health insurance? You will be happy to learn that most of the leading medical insurance companies cover our services. However, we do require you to pay for treatment at the time of service.

After submitting your application to your service provider, we will send you an invoice. 

Therefore, we strongly recommend that you consult your provider before making an appointment so that you have a clear understanding of the coverage.

Holistic Health Insurance for Osteopathic Treatment in London
Really happy with the service. Warren talked me through my back problems and a set of exercises to do ongoing. Felt a big difference as I was leaving. Would recommend to anyone who wants to diagnose/treat their problem but also reduce/minimise another flare up
Harishyam Chandegra
MHV Clinic Patient
MHV Pain Osteopathic Treatment Clinic London

Your Journey to Recovery Begins at MHV Clinic

Your decision to seek professional help for neck pain is a significant step towards improving your quality of life. At MHV Clinic, located in London’s West End, we are dedicated to providing specialised osteopathic care to address your unique needs.

Our team of experienced osteopaths are adept at diagnosing and treating various types of neck pain. Through a personalised rehabilitation plan, we aim to not only alleviate your current discomfort but also to equip you with the knowledge and exercises necessary to prevent future recurrence of neck pain.

At MHV Clinic, we believe in a patient-centric approach where open communication and education form the cornerstone of effective treatment. Our goal is to help you understand the nature of your neck pain and the steps you can take to achieve lasting relief.

We encourage you to take the initiative towards a more comfortable and active life. Booking a consultation at MHV Clinic will provide you with a clear understanding of your condition and a tailored treatment plan to address your neck pain.

[Schedule your consultation at MHV Clinic](#) and take a positive step towards overcoming neck pain. Our team is here to support you on your path to recovery, ensuring you can enjoy all that London has to offer without the hindrance of neck pain.


10 +



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Years Experience


0 +


Really happy with the service. Warren talked me through my back problems and a set of exercises to do ongoing. Felt a big difference as I was leaving. Would recommend to anyone who wants to diagnose/treat their problem but also reduce/minimise another flare up
Harishyam Chandegra
MHV Clinic Patient
Attentive and extremely professional therapists, Rishi and Warren are among the best that ever treated me (former professional athlete). Their competence and patience in explaining the way the body can be treated is awesome. I am absolutely elated by the results after the first treatment. Highly recommended.
Laura Ultrà
MHV Clinic Patient
Attentive and extremely professional therapists, Rishi and Warren are among the best that ever treated me (former professional athlete). Their competence and patience in explaining the way the body can be treated is awesome. I am absolutely elated by the results after the first treatment. Highly recommended.
Laura Ultrà
MHV Clinic Patient
Attentive and extremely professional therapists, Rishi and Warren are among the best that ever treated me (former professional athlete). Their competence and patience in explaining the way the body can be treated is awesome. I am absolutely elated by the results after the first treatment. Highly recommended.
Laura Ultrà
MHV Clinic Patient

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10,000+ patients treated

20 + years combined experience

280+ 5 star reviews

Why Choose Us

Open 7 days a week

10,000+ patients treated

20 + years combined experience

280+ 5 star reviews