Back Pain Rehabilitation London

We help hard-working individuals achieve total wellness through a series of exercises and methods, so they can go through life without the constant aches and pains, in the least amount of sessions. Our formula is to plan, assess and put together a bespoke treatment plan. Backed by our countless case studies, we’re known for top-quality patient care and treatment with total transparency.


Back Pain Rehabilitation London

We help hard-working individuals achieve total wellness through a series of exercises and methods, so they can go through life without the constant aches and pains, in the least amount of sessions. Our formula is to plan, assess and put together a bespoke treatment plan. Backed by our countless case studies, we’re known for top-quality patient care and treatment with total transparency.


Back Pain Rehabilitation London

We help hard-working individuals achieve total wellness through a series of exercises and methods, so they can go through life without the constant aches and pains, in the least amount of sessions. Our formula is to plan, assess and put together a bespoke treatment plan. Backed by our countless case studies, we’re known for top-quality patient care and treatment with total transparency.

Effective Back Pain Rehabilitation in London's West End: Your Journey to Recovery

Embark on a transformative journey to back pain relief at MHV Clinic, nestled in the heart of London’s historic West End. Our clinic stands as a beacon of hope for those suffering from the debilitating effects of back pain. With a fusion of expert knowledge and a compassionate approach, we provide a sanctuary where healing begins and pain ends. Our dedication to your recovery is matched only by our commitment to the highest standards of care. Let us guide you through a personalised rehabilitation experience designed to restore your well-being and renew your enjoyment of life’s most cherished activities.

Lower back pain treatment Clinic London
Lower back pain treatment Clinic London

Welcome to MHV Clinic: Your Premier Destination for Back Pain Relief in London

At MHV Clinic, we understand that back pain is more than just a physical ailment; it’s an impediment to your full participation in life’s pleasures and duties. That’s why we have crafted a sanctuary where advanced osteopathic treatment meets the warmth of personalised care. Located in the vibrant West End, our clinic is a haven for Londoners seeking solace from back pain. Our expert osteopaths employ a comprehensive array of therapeutic modalities, each aimed at alleviating your discomfort and enhancing your body’s natural healing abilities. With a profound understanding of the causes and complexities of back pain, we stand ready to embark with you on a healing journey that promises more than just relief; it offers a pathway to a rejuvenated life.

Welcome to MHV Clinic: Your Premier Destination for Back Pain Relief in London

At MHV Clinic, we understand that back pain is more than just a physical ailment; it’s an impediment to your full participation in life’s pleasures and duties. That’s why we have crafted a sanctuary where advanced osteopathic treatment meets the warmth of personalised care. Located in the vibrant West End, our clinic is a haven for Londoners seeking solace from back pain. Our expert osteopaths employ a comprehensive array of therapeutic modalities, each aimed at alleviating your discomfort and enhancing your body’s natural healing abilities. With a profound understanding of the causes and complexities of back pain, we stand ready to embark with you on a healing journey that promises more than just relief; it offers a pathway to a rejuvenated life.

Discover a Haven of Comprehensive Osteopathic Neck Pain Rehabilitation at London’s Prestigious MHV Clinic, situated in the iconic West End. Here at MHV Clinic, we extend beyond the immediate relief from neck pain, offering you an enriching understanding essential for making informed decisions about your health. Our unwavering commitment to excellence ensures that you receive a caliber of care and guidance that stands unparalleled on your journey to recovery.

Our philosophy at MHV Clinic is rooted in the belief that knowledge is a pillar of empowerment. A profound understanding of the intricate causes of neck pain paves the way for a proactive engagement with your well-being. Neck pain, often a silent usurper of life’s quality, has diverse origins – whether it’s the modern-day posture pitfalls, the unexpected jolt of a whiplash, or the creeping onset of degenerative conditions. This understanding, paired with our osteopathic expertise, forms the cornerstone of our tailored approach to your neck pain rehabilitation, focusing on not merely alleviating the pain but addressing the root causes, fostering your body’s intrinsic healing capacities.

I have been to many osteopath before at least 3- 4 different ones, but no one has been able to get to the root of the problem. It's normally a few clicks on the neck and spine and that is it. But, Poonam really focuses on the issue and loosens the tighten muscle. She advises on what exercises to do, pillow support for the neck and much more. My neck and shoulders feel much better now.
John Doe
MHV Clinic Patient


10 +



0 +

Years Experience


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I have been to many osteopath before at least 3- 4 different ones, but no one has been able to get to the root of the problem. It's normally a few clicks on the neck and spine and that is it. But, Poonam really focuses on the issue and loosens the tighten muscle. She advises on what exercises to do, pillow support for the neck and much more. My neck and shoulders feel much better now.​
John Doe
MHV Clinic Patient
I have been to many osteopath before at least 3- 4 different ones, but no one has been able to get to the root of the problem. It's normally a few clicks on the neck and spine and that is it. But, Poonam really focuses on the issue and loosens the tighten muscle. She advises on what exercises to do, pillow support for the neck and much more. My neck and shoulders feel much better now.
John Doe
MHV Clinic Patient

Empower Your Health: Understanding the Complexity of Back Pain

At MHV Clinic, we believe that empowerment begins with understanding. Back pain is a complex phenomenon with a myriad of causes that can stem from structural imbalances, muscular strain, or even psychosomatic factors. The intricate architecture of the spine, coupled with the demands of modern life, often leads to conditions such as lumbar strain, disc herniation, or chronic degenerative issues like osteoarthritis. Our goal is to demystify back pain, providing you with the knowledge necessary to take proactive steps towards recovery. In comprehending the root causes of your discomfort, you become an active participant in your healing process, laying the foundation for a more resilient and pain-free back.

Back Pain Rehabilitation Treatments in London

Personalised Back Pain Treatment Plans: Your Unique Roadmap to Well-being

No two individuals experience back pain in the same way, which is why your journey at MHV Clinic is distinctly yours. We craft each treatment plan to reflect your unique situation, considering every aspect of your life from occupational hazards to lifestyle choices. Our therapeutic strategies may range from manual therapy and targeted exercises to posture correction and stress management techniques. By tailoring our approach, we ensure that each step on your path to recovery is both strategic and synergistic with your body’s needs. Allow us to design your personalised roadmap to well-being and guide you towards a life unencumbered by back pain.

Insights into Back Pain: Causes, Symptoms, and Proactive Prevention

Back pain can be a shadowy foe, with causes as varied as the individuals it afflicts. At MHV Clinic, we illuminate the often-obscure origins of back discomfort, from the repetitive strain of daily tasks to the sudden impact of injury. Understanding the ‘why’ behind your pain is a powerful step toward prevention and management. Whether it’s the result of an ergonomic misstep or a deeper structural issue, we delve into the specifics of your condition, offering clarity and control. Symptoms can range from a persistent dull ache to acute, debilitating pain, often indicating the nature and severity of the underlying issue. We equip you with the knowledge to identify warning signs early, enabling proactive measures that support spinal health and prevent the escalation of pain.

What causes the need for back pain rehabilitation
Seek professional help for back pain rehabilitation London

Symptoms of Back Pain: Recognising the Need for Professional Care

Awareness of back pain symptoms is pivotal in seeking timely, effective treatment. The presentation of back pain can be as subtle as a mild, intermittent discomfort or as overt as severe, limiting pain that impedes daily activities. Common indicators include muscle ache, shooting or stabbing pain, pain that radiates down your leg, and reduced flexibility or range of motion. Some may experience pain that worsens with bending, lifting, standing, or walking. When these symptoms persist, it’s crucial to consult with our osteopathic professionals at MHV Clinic. Early intervention can mean the difference between a swift return to health and a prolonged recovery, ensuring that back pain does not become a chronic inhibitor of your vibrant lifestyle.

Personalised Back Pain Treatment Plans: Your Unique Roadmap to Well-being

No two individuals experience back pain in the same way, which is why your journey at MHV Clinic is distinctly yours. We craft each treatment plan to reflect your unique situation, considering every aspect of your life from occupational hazards to lifestyle choices. Our therapeutic strategies may range from manual therapy and targeted exercises to posture correction and stress management techniques. By tailoring our approach, we ensure that each step on your path to recovery is both strategic and synergistic with your body’s needs. Allow us to design your personalised roadmap to well-being and guide you towards a life unencumbered by back pain.

Insights into Back Pain: Causes, Symptoms, and Proactive Prevention

Back pain can be a shadowy foe, with causes as varied as the individuals it afflicts. At MHV Clinic, we illuminate the often-obscure origins of back discomfort, from the repetitive strain of daily tasks to the sudden impact of injury. Understanding the ‘why’ behind your pain is a powerful step toward prevention and management. Whether it’s the result of an ergonomic misstep or a deeper structural issue, we delve into the specifics of your condition, offering clarity and control. Symptoms can range from a persistent dull ache to acute, debilitating pain, often indicating the nature and severity of the underlying issue. We equip you with the knowledge to identify warning signs early, enabling proactive measures that support spinal health and prevent the escalation of pain.

What causes the need for back pain rehabilitation

Symptoms of Back Pain: Recognising the Need for Professional Care

Awareness of back pain symptoms is pivotal in seeking timely, effective treatment. The presentation of back pain can be as subtle as a mild, intermittent discomfort or as overt as severe, limiting pain that impedes daily activities. Common indicators include muscle ache, shooting or stabbing pain, pain that radiates down your leg, and reduced flexibility or range of motion. Some may experience pain that worsens with bending, lifting, standing, or walking. When these symptoms persist, it’s crucial to consult with our osteopathic professionals at MHV Clinic. Early intervention can mean the difference between a swift return to health and a prolonged recovery, ensuring that back pain does not become a chronic inhibitor of your vibrant lifestyle.

Back Pain Rehabilitation Treatments in London
Seek professional help for back pain rehabilitation London
MHV Pain Osteopathic Treatment Clinic London
Warren is undoubtedly an exceptional master of his craft! In the limited number of times I have consulted him for a Full Body MOT, he has astutely pinpointed and effectively addressed issues related to my posture and muscle tension, particularly in my back and neck. The profound impact and unexpected benefits I have experienced by embracing osteopathy as a serious practice became evident after seeking Warren's expertise. His extensive years of experience and remarkable skills are immediately evident through the diverse range of techniques he employs, including electroacupuncture and precise body adjustments. Moreover, Warren's friendly and approachable nature fosters a comfortable environment for discussion, making him an outstanding choice for anyone seeking self-improvement. I wholeheartedly recommend him to individuals looking to enhance their physical well-being
Jesal Mavadiya
MHV Clinic Patient

Advantages of Osteopathic Back Pain Rehabilitation: A Holistic Approach

Osteopathy offers a distinctive perspective in the treatment of back pain, one that appreciates the body’s interconnectedness and its ability to heal itself. At MHV Clinic, we harness these principles to provide a holistic path to recovery. Our osteopathic treatments offer more than symptomatic relief; they aim to identify and address the underlying causes of your back pain. The advantages of this approach are manifold:

Personalised Treatment Plans: Experience the difference with our customised treatment strategies, which may include a combination of manual therapy, osteopathic adjustments, and tailored exercises, all designed to target your specific back pain issues.

Non-Invasive Techniques: Our osteopathic treatments provide a non-surgical option that can lead to significant pain relief, increased mobility, and improved quality of life, with a focus on minimising the need for medication and invasive procedures.

Comprehensive Care: We consider your entire lifestyle, from diet and exercise habits to stress levels and sleeping patterns, to create an all-encompassing treatment plan. Our care extends beyond the clinic, with advice and support that help you maintain a healthy back at home and in the workplace.

Osteopathic Back Pain Rehabilitation

Tailored Therapies for Diverse Back Pain Conditions at MHV Clinic

Our back pain treatments are as diverse as the conditions we encounter. At MHV Clinic, we recognise that each back pain condition requires a specific therapeutic approach:

Lumbar Spondylosis Treatment:

Lumbar Spondylosis Treatment:

Pain Type: Chronic, may present as a persistent dull ache or occasional sharp pain in the lower back.

Lumbar spondylosis is a condition characterised by the degeneration of the spinal discs and joints in the lower back. It’s often the result of age-related wear and tear and can lead to stiffness, reduced mobility, and pain that may radiate to the buttocks or legs.

Our osteopathic approach to treating lumbar spondylosis involves a combination of techniques aimed at reducing pain and improving mobility. Treatment may include:

Manual Therapy: Hands-on techniques to gently mobilise the joints, improve range of motion, and decrease stiffness.

Soft Tissue Work: Techniques such as massage to address muscle tension and enhance circulation to the affected areas.

Exercise Prescription: Tailored exercises to strengthen the core and lower back muscles, supporting the spine and reducing the load on the affected joints.

Lifestyle Advice: Guidance on posture and movements to avoid further stress on the lumbar spine during daily activities.

Through these methods, we aim to not only alleviate the symptoms of lumbar spondylosis but also to slow the progression of degeneration by promoting healthier spine mechanics.

Lumbar Spondylosis Treatment:

Sciatica & Nerve Compression Treatment:

Pain Type: Acute or chronic pain that radiates along the path of the sciatic nerve, from the lower back through the buttocks and down the legs.

Sciatica is often the result of a herniated disc or bone spur pressing on the nerve in the lower spine. This compression causes inflammation, pain, and sometimes numbness in the affected leg.

Our osteopathic care for sciatica focuses on alleviating nerve compression and the pain associated with it. Treatment strategies may include:

Manual Therapy: Techniques to reduce muscle spasms and mobilise the spine, which can help relieve the pressure on the sciatic nerve.

Soft Tissue Work: To ease muscle tension that may contribute to nerve compression.

Specific Stretching Exercises: To improve flexibility and decrease nerve tension.

Postural Education: To prevent future episodes, we offer advice on maintaining spinal alignment through correct posture.

With a dedicated treatment plan, patients can experience significant relief from the symptoms of sciatica and improve their overall function.

Sciatica and Nerve Compression Treatment
Disc Degeneration Treatment & Management

Disc Degeneration Management:

Pain Type: Can vary from a mild, nagging discomfort to severe, debilitating pain depending on the degree of disc degeneration and nerve involvement.

Disc degeneration refers to the breakdown of the intervertebral discs, which can lead to decreased spine flexibility, bone spurs, and pain. This natural part of aging can be exacerbated by factors such as obesity, smoking, and repetitive strain.

Managing disc degeneration through osteopathy involves a multi-faceted approach to relieve pain and support the spine:

Manual Therapy:Utilising gentle spinal manipulation and mobilisation to increase movement and reduce pain.

Spinal Decompression: Techniques aimed at creating space between vertebrae to alleviate pressure on the discs.

Rehabilitative Exercises: Customised exercises to strengthen the muscles around the spine, providing better support and reducing the burden on the degenerated discs.

Lifestyle Modification: We provide strategies to modify activities that may aggravate the condition, alongside nutritional advice to support disc health.

Our integrative approach not only seeks to manage pain but also to enhance the structural integrity of the spine, contributing to a more active and comfortable lifestyle.

Disc Degeneration Treatment & Management

Osteoarthritis of the Spine Treatment:

Pain Type: Chronic pain characterised by stiffness and tenderness in the back, often worsening after periods of inactivity or excessive use.

Spinal osteoarthritis is a degenerative joint disease affecting the spine’s facet joints, which can lead to the breakdown of cartilage, causing bones to rub together and create pain and stiffness. It may also lead to the development of bone spurs and affect nerve function.

The osteopathic approach to spinal osteoarthritis focuses on restoring joint mobility and reducing pain without the use of invasive procedures. Our comprehensive treatment may include:

Manual Therapy: Hands-on techniques to gently mobilise the affected joints, reducing stiffness and enhancing range of motion.

Soft Tissue Work: To relieve muscle tightness and improve circulation around the joints, which can help reduce pain and inflammation.

Therapeutic Exercises: Personalised exercises to strengthen the muscles supporting the spine, improving posture and offloading the affected joints.

Hydrotherapy: Using water-based exercises to facilitate movement and reduce the load on the spine during exercise.

Lifestyle and Dietary Advice: Strategies to manage body weight, which can alleviate stress on the spine, and nutritional guidance to combat inflammation.

Our goal with osteoarthritis treatment is not just to relieve the present discomfort but to help prevent further deterioration of the joints, enabling patients to maintain a better quality of life and remain active.

Osteoarthritis of the Spine Rehabilitation through Treatment

By offering a wide spectrum of therapies, we ensure that every individual’s path to recovery is as unique and effective as possible, allowing them to resume their daily activities with ease and confidence.

PRiVATE Medical Insurance TREATMENT

We are recognised by most leading
private health insurance providers.

Active Lifestyle Strategies: Preventing and Managing Back Pain

Maintaining an active lifestyle is pivotal in the prevention and management of back pain. At MHV Clinic, we emphasise the importance of integrating healthy habits into your daily routine to support spinal health and prevent the onset or exacerbation of back pain. Here are key strategies we advocate:

Optimum back health - how we rehabilitate back pain

Posture Improvement for Back Health: A Core Element in Back Pain Rehabilitation

Good posture is fundamental in maintaining spinal health and preventing back pain. Our clinic provides comprehensive guidance on achieving and maintaining proper posture through:

Postural Education:

We offer detailed education on the principles of good posture while sitting, standing, and moving, to help reduce strain on the spinal structures.

Core Strengthening:

Core muscles are vital in supporting the lower back. We prescribe a series of exercises to build core strength, which is essential for maintaining good posture and spinal alignment.

Ergonomic Assessments:

Our team can assess your work and home environments to provide recommendations for ergonomic improvements that support good posture and minimise back strain.

Optimum back health - how we rehabilitate back pain

Core Muscle Strengthening: The Foundation of a Healthy Back

Strengthening the core muscles is a key strategy in back pain rehabilitation. We introduce exercises such as:

Back rehab techniques: Muscle strengthening


To build endurance in both the abdominal and back muscles, which support the spine.

Bridge Exercises:

To strengthen the gluteus and hamstring muscles, contributing to a stronger and more stable pelvis and lower back.

Pilates & Yoga:

These practices can improve core strength, flexibility, and awareness of body alignment, contributing to better postural habits.

Back rehab techniques: Muscle strengthening
Ergonomic Workspace to improve Spinal Health

Creating an Ergonomic Workspace: An Investment in Spinal Health

An ergonomically designed workspace is crucial for preventing back pain, especially for individuals who spend many hours seated at a desk. Our clinic’s ergonomic optimisation services include:

Ergonomic Workspace to improve Spinal Health

Workspace Evaluation:

A thorough assessment of your office setup to ensure that chairs, desks, and computer monitors promote a healthy posture and reduce the risk of back pain.

Equipment Recommendations:

Advice on the best ergonomic chairs, desks, and accessories such as footrests and monitor stands to support the lower back and encourage proper spinal alignment.

Ergonomic Accessories:

Invest in ergonomic accessories like laptop stands or monitor risers to achieve a comfortable screen setup.

Exercise and Physical Activity: Tailored Approaches to Strengthen the Back

Engaging in regular, targeted exercise is vital for a strong and flexible back. We provide advice on:

Safe Exercise Techniques:

Instruction on proper form and techniques to prevent injury during exercise.

Activity Modification:

Strategies to modify activities that may be contributing to back pain or could lead to potential injury.

Exercise Program Design:

Development of individualised exercise programs that focus on strengthening and stretching the back muscles.

Personalised back rehabiliation treatments for effective pain management
The Anatomy of Sciatica

Ergonomic Practices for Back Care

To further support your back health, we emphasise:

Regular Movement:

Encouraging frequent breaks to walk, stretch, and change positions throughout the day to reduce muscle stiffness and improve circulation.

Monitor Height Adjustment:

Advising on the correct positioning of your computer screen to prevent you from leaning forward or looking down, thus avoiding strain on your back.

Ergonomic Accessories:

Suggesting the use of ergonomic tools like standing desks or adjustable chairs that support a dynamic working environment and promote spinal health.

Weight Management for Spinal Wellness

Excess body weight can significantly impact back health by placing extra strain on the spine. Our clinic supports weight management with:

Nutritional Counselling:

Providing advice on a balanced diet that can help reduce body weight and relieve pressure on the back.

Personalised Exercise Plans:

Creating tailored exercise programs that promote weight loss while considering any limitations due to back pain.

Lifestyle Modification Support:

Offering strategies to incorporate more physical activity into your daily routine in a manner that supports back health.

Weight Management for Peak Wellness​

By adopting these proactive measures, you can not only minimise the risk of developing back pain but also enhance your overall health and well-being, making you better equipped to enjoy the activities you love.

MHV Pain Osteopathic Treatment Clinic London

1. Schedule An Appointment

Book a consultation with one of our experts


Understand what is causing your pain


Your personalised action plan to get you back on track


Enjoy life, happy and pain free

Warren is undoubtedly an exceptional master of his craft! In the limited number of times I have consulted him for a Full Body MOT, he has astutely pinpointed and effectively addressed issues related to my posture and muscle tension, particularly in my back and neck. The profound impact and unexpected benefits I have experienced by embracing osteopathy as a serious practice became evident after seeking Warren's expertise. His extensive years of experience and remarkable skills are immediately evident through the diverse range of techniques he employs, including electroacupuncture and precise body adjustments. Moreover, Warren's friendly and approachable nature fosters a comfortable environment for discussion, making him an outstanding choice for anyone seeking self-improvement. I wholeheartedly recommend him to individuals looking to enhance their physical well-being
Jesal Mavadiya
MHV Clinic Patient
Really happy with the service. Warren talked me through my back problems and a set of exercises to do ongoing. Felt a big difference as I was leaving. Would recommend to anyone who wants to diagnose/treat their problem but also reduce/minimise another flare up
Harishyam Chandegra
MHV Clinic Patient

Distinguishing Between Acute and Chronic Back Pain: A Guide to Rehabilitation

In the treatment of back pain, understanding the difference between acute and chronic conditions is critical for effective rehabilitation:

Acute Back Pain: Typically manifesting suddenly, often due to an injury or misuse, acute back pain can be sharp and intense. Our rehabilitation approach focuses on immediate pain relief and functional recovery, utilising techniques that alleviate pain and promote healing.

Chronic Back Pain: When back pain persists for three months or longer, it is considered chronic. This type of pain often requires a more in-depth treatment strategy to manage the ongoing discomfort and address the deeper causes. Our chronic back pain rehabilitation incorporates long-term management techniques to provide relief and improve quality of life.

By distinguishing between these two types of back pain, our osteopaths at MHV Clinic can create a tailored rehabilitation plan that addresses your specific needs, allowing you to engage fully with life and enjoy all the activities that London has to offer.

MHV Pain Osteopathic Treatment Clinic London

Our Back Pain Rehabilitation Service in London

MHV Clinic is dedicated to offering a comprehensive range of back pain rehabilitation services to meet the varied needs of London’s diverse population. Our treatments are designed to address a broad spectrum of back pain causes:

Muscular Back Pain:

For pain arising from muscle strain or soft tissue injury, we offer therapies that relax tight muscles, improve blood flow, and promote healing.

Nerve-Related Back Pain:

If your pain is due to nerve irritation or compression, such as with sciatica, our treatments focus on relieving nerve pressure and reducing inflammation.

Structural Back Pain:

For pain related to the spine’s structural issues, like herniated discs or spinal stenosis, we employ techniques that aim to restore proper alignment and function.

Back Pain Rehabilitation Service in London​
Back Pain Rehabilitation Service in London​

Each category of back pain is met with a tailored approach, combining the latest evidence-based treatments with traditional osteopathic techniques to ensure the best outcomes for our patients.

Health Insurance Cover for Neck Pain Rehabilitation

Do you have health insurance? You will be happy to learn that most of the leading medical insurance companies cover our services. However, we do require you to pay for treatment at the time of service.

After submitting your application to your service provider, we will send you an invoice. 

Therefore, we strongly recommend that you consult your provider before making an appointment so that you have a clear understanding of the coverage.

Holistic Health Insurance for Osteopathic Treatment in London

Health Insurance Cover for Neck Pain Rehabilitation

Holistic Health Insurance for Osteopathic Treatment in London

Do you have health insurance? You will be happy to learn that most of the leading medical insurance companies cover our services. However, we do require you to pay for treatment at the time of service.

After submitting your application to your service provider, we will send you an invoice. 

Therefore, we strongly recommend that you consult your provider before making an appointment so that you have a clear understanding of the coverage.

Poonam has changed our baby’s life in just one session! He was severely constipated before we saw her, yet the day after seeing her things were already on the move. No more laxatives required! Poonam also found other tension-related issues which we were able to link up with our existing knowledge of our son’s tension-related issues. She is a lovely person too, and I recommend her to everyone!
Kelly Light
MHV Clinic Patient

Health Insurance Cover for Back Pain Rehabilitation

Do you have health insurance? You will be happy to learn that most of the leading medical insurance companies cover our services. However, we do require you to pay for treatment at the time of service.

After submitting your application to your service provider, we will send you an invoice. 

Therefore, we strongly recommend that you consult your provider before making an appointment so that you have a clear understanding of the coverage.

Holistic Health Insurance for Osteopathic Treatment in London
Really happy with the service. Warren talked me through my back problems and a set of exercises to do ongoing. Felt a big difference as I was leaving. Would recommend to anyone who wants to diagnose/treat their problem but also reduce/minimise another flare up
Harishyam Chandegra
MHV Clinic Patient
MHV Pain Osteopathic Treatment Clinic London

Your Path to a Pain-Free Life: Begin Your Back Pain Rehabilitation Today

Taking the first step towards back pain rehabilitation can feel daunting, but at MHV Clinic, we’re here to guide you through every stage of the process. From your initial consultation to the final stages of your recovery, we provide compassionate, expert care tailored to your unique needs. With our holistic approach, state-of-the-art techniques, and commitment to patient education, we’re dedicated to helping you achieve a pain-free life. Begin your journey to recovery and rediscover the joy of a life without back pain. Contact MHV Clinic today to schedule your appointment and take the first step towards a healthier, happier you.


10 +



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Years Experience


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Really happy with the service. Warren talked me through my back problems and a set of exercises to do ongoing. Felt a big difference as I was leaving. Would recommend to anyone who wants to diagnose/treat their problem but also reduce/minimise another flare up
Harishyam Chandegra
MHV Clinic Patient
Attentive and extremely professional therapists, Rishi and Warren are among the best that ever treated me (former professional athlete). Their competence and patience in explaining the way the body can be treated is awesome. I am absolutely elated by the results after the first treatment. Highly recommended.
Laura Ultrà
MHV Clinic Patient
Attentive and extremely professional therapists, Rishi and Warren are among the best that ever treated me (former professional athlete). Their competence and patience in explaining the way the body can be treated is awesome. I am absolutely elated by the results after the first treatment. Highly recommended.
Laura Ultrà
MHV Clinic Patient
Attentive and extremely professional therapists, Rishi and Warren are among the best that ever treated me (former professional athlete). Their competence and patience in explaining the way the body can be treated is awesome. I am absolutely elated by the results after the first treatment. Highly recommended.
Laura Ultrà
MHV Clinic Patient

Why Choose Us

Open 7 days a week

10,000+ patients treated

20 + years combined experience

280+ 5 star reviews

Why Choose Us

Open 7 days a week

10,000+ patients treated

20 + years combined experience

280+ 5 star reviews