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Causes of Whiplash

A trapped nerve can result from various factors, often related to the body’s biomechanics and daily activities. Some common causes include:

Whiplash typically occurs due to rapid, unexpected neck movement. The most common cause is rear-end car accidents, where the force of the collision jerks the head forward and back. However, other causes include sports injuries, particularly in high-impact sports like rugby, football, or boxing. Physical abuse, such as being hit or shaken, can also lead to whiplash, as can slip-and-fall incidents where the head is jolted. Even everyday activities, such as a forceful sneeze or trip, can cause similar strain in some cases. It’s important to recognise these causes to prevent or seek treatment early to avoid long-term damage.

Rear-End Car Accidents

The most common cause of whiplash is the force of a rear-end collision, which jerks the head forward and backwards rapidly.

Sports Injuries

High-impact sports, such as rugby, football, or boxing, often involve sudden or forceful neck movements, which can cause whiplash.

Physical Abuse

Being hit or shaken violently can result in neck strain and whiplash injuries.

Slip-and-Fall Incidents

Falls where the head is jolted unexpectedly can cause similar neck strain.

Everyday Activities

Activities like a forceful sneeze or a trip can occasionally lead to whiplash.

Understanding these causes can help take preventive measures or seek early treatment to avoid long-term complications.