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Slipped Disc: Osteopath or Chiropractor – Which Is the Best Choice for Your Treatment?

Osteopath or Chiropractor – Which Is the Best Treatment Choice

Effective Treatment for Slipped Disc Relief: Insights and Expertise from MHV Clinic

Slipped discs, a common yet distressing spinal condition, can significantly impact your life, causing pain and limiting mobility. At MHV Clinic, we offer a beacon of hope for those suffering from this condition through osteopathic treatment. Osteopathy, known for its gentle, non-invasive approach, provides a unique avenue for addressing the complexities of slipped discs.

Our osteopaths at MHV Clinic are adept in diagnosing and treating slipped discs. Utilising their expertise in body mechanics and holistic health, they delve into the root causes of your discomfort. The treatment begins with a thorough evaluation of your spine and posture, assessing how these contribute to your condition. Our practitioners then employ a range of techniques, from soft tissue manipulation to joint mobilisation, aimed at alleviating pain, improving spinal alignment, and enhancing mobility.

What sets osteopathy apart is its attention to the overall balance and health of the body. Rather than focusing solely on the site of pain, our osteopaths consider how different bodily systems interact and contribute to your condition. This approach not only provides immediate relief from pain but also promotes long-term spinal health, preventing further issues.

Choosing osteopathy at MHV Clinic for slipped disc relief means opting for a treatment that is tailored to your unique needs, ensuring a journey towards pain-free living, and enhanced overall well-being.

Understanding Slipped Discs: Osteopathy's Role in Holistic Management

A slipped disc, or herniated disc, occurs when the soft cushion of tissue between the bones in your spine pushes out, causing discomfort and pain. This condition can lead to symptoms like sharp back pain, numbness, or weakness extending to the arms or legs, depending on the disc’s location.

At MHV Clinic, our osteopathic approach to managing slipped discs is grounded in a deep understanding of the spine’s anatomy and function. Our practitioners utilise their expertise to not only address the symptoms but also to treat the underlying causes of a slipped disc. This involves a comprehensive evaluation of your spinal alignment, muscle balance, and overall posture.

Our osteopathic treatment for slipped discs includes a range of hands-on techniques designed to reduce pain and inflammation, improve mobility, and enhance the body’s natural healing processes. We focus on gently mobilising the spine, relaxing tense muscles, and improving circulation to the affected area. Additionally, we provide personalised advice on posture and exercises to strengthen the back and abdominal muscles, crucial in supporting the spine.

The holistic management of slipped discs at MHV Clinic extends beyond physical treatment. We recognise the role of lifestyle factors in spinal health and offer guidance on ergonomic practices, stress management, and nutritional support to complement our osteopathic treatment. This comprehensive approach ensures not just symptomatic relief but also aids in preventing future occurrences, leading to sustained health and an improved quality of life.

Decoding the Mechanics of Slipped Discs: An Osteopathic Perspective

Understanding the mechanics of a slipped disc is crucial for effective treatment and management. At MHV Clinic, our osteopathic perspective offers a unique lens through which we view and treat this condition. A slipped disc, or herniated disc, occurs when the soft inner portion of the disc protrudes through the tougher outer ring. This can lead to compression of nearby nerves, resulting in pain and discomfort.

From an osteopathic standpoint, we consider not only the localised area of the herniation but also the overall biomechanics of the spine. Our practitioners are trained to identify subtle imbalances and misalignments in the spinal column that could contribute to the vulnerability of the discs. We explore factors like poor posture, muscle imbalances, and even repetitive strain that can predispose individuals to disc issues.

Our osteopathic treatment aims to alleviate the pressure on the herniated disc and surrounding nerves. We employ techniques such as spinal manipulation, soft tissue therapy, and mobilisation to restore natural movement and alignment. By correcting these biomechanical faults, we aim to not only provide relief from the current condition but also to prevent future occurrences, thus promoting long-term spinal health.

How does osteopathy help with slipped disc
Symptoms, Diagnosis & treatment of slipped discs London

Symptoms and Diagnosis: The Osteopathic Approach to Identifying Slipped Discs

At MHV Clinic, we approach the symptoms and diagnosis of slipped discs with a comprehensive osteopathic perspective. Recognising that each patient’s experience with a slipped disc can vary significantly, we focus on a thorough and individualised assessment.

Common symptoms of a slipped disc include localised back pain, radiating pain in the arms or legs, numbness, tingling, or muscle weakness in the affected area. These symptoms are often exacerbated by certain movements or positions and can vary in intensity.

Our osteopaths employ a holistic diagnostic approach, which goes beyond just the physical examination of the spine. We consider your medical history, lifestyle, and any recent injuries or strains. Physical examinations include assessing your posture, spinal alignment, and muscle tone. Palpation and mobility tests help us pinpoint areas of restriction and discomfort.

In addition to hands-on examination, we might recommend imaging tests like MRI or X-rays for a more detailed view of the spinal structures, particularly if your condition is complex or severe.

Through this detailed osteopathic approach to symptoms and diagnosis, we aim to not only identify the presence of a slipped disc but also understand the contributing factors to your specific condition. This comprehensive understanding allows us to tailor a treatment plan that addresses both the symptoms and the root cause of your discomfort, paving the way for effective relief and long-term spinal health.

Which is better for a slipped disc, an osteopath or chiropractor
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Why Osteopathy is a Preferred Choice for Slipped Disc Treatment

Osteopathy stands out as a preferred choice for slipped disc treatment due to its holistic and non-invasive approach. At MHV Clinic, we prioritise understanding the entire musculoskeletal system and its interplay with other bodily systems, ensuring a comprehensive treatment plan that extends beyond mere symptom relief.

Our osteopathic approach to treating slipped discs is centred on the belief that the body functions as a unified whole. This means that a problem in one area can affect the entire body. Hence, our treatment for slipped discs involves not just focusing on the spine but also addressing any contributing factors such as muscular imbalances, joint restrictions, and poor posture that might have led to the condition or might be exacerbating it.

The osteopathic treatment for a slipped disc typically includes a combination of manual therapy, spinal manipulation, and soft tissue techniques to relieve pain, reduce inflammation, and improve spinal mobility. Additionally, we offer personalised advice on lifestyle modifications, ergonomic changes, and exercises that can help strengthen the back and prevent future episodes.

By choosing osteopathy for slipped disc treatment, patients benefit from a tailored, whole-person approach that aims not only to alleviate their current discomfort but also to enhance their overall health and wellbeing.

Holistic Healing: How Osteopathy Addresses Slipped Discs

The holistic healing approach of osteopathy makes it particularly effective in addressing slipped discs. At MHV Clinic, our osteopathic practitioners employ a range of techniques designed to not only alleviate the immediate symptoms associated with a slipped disc but also to address the underlying causes.

Our approach begins with a thorough assessment to understand the specifics of each case – the location and severity of the disc herniation, the patient’s overall physical condition, lifestyle factors, and any other health concerns that might influence recovery. This holistic evaluation forms the basis of a customised treatment plan.

How does osteopathy help with slipped disc
osteopathic treatment for slipped discs

Key elements of our osteopathic treatment for slipped discs include:

We use gentle, hands-on techniques to manipulate and mobilise the spine, relieving pressure on the affected disc and surrounding nerves. This helps reduce pain and improves spinal flexibility.
Our practitioners work on the muscles and connective tissues surrounding the spine. Soft tissue techniques can relieve muscle tension, improve circulation, and aid in the healing process.
Poor posture can contribute to the development and persistence of slipped disc symptoms. We provide guidance on correct posture and ergonomic adjustments to reduce spinal strain.
Tailored exercises are crucial for strengthening the back and core muscles, enhancing spinal support, and preventing future disc problems. We design individualised exercise programs that patients can integrate into their daily routines.
Lifestyle factors such as body weight, occupational hazards, and daily activities can impact spinal health. We offer advice on making positive changes to support the spine and overall health.
Through this comprehensive osteopathic approach, we not only aim to bring relief from the immediate symptoms of a slipped disc but also to promote longterm spinal health, enhancing our patients’ overall quality of life.
I have been to many osteopath before at least 3- 4 different ones, but no one has been able to get to the root of the problem. It's normally a few clicks on the neck and spine and that is it. But, Poonam really focuses on the issue and loosens the tighten muscle. She advises on what exercises to do, pillow support for the neck and much more. My neck and shoulders feel much better now.
John Doe
MHV Clinic Patient

The Benefits of Osteopathic Care in Treating Disc Injuries

Osteopathic care offers a range of benefits for treating disc injuries, distinguishing it as a highly effective approach. At MHV Clinic, our osteopathic treatments are designed to address not just the symptoms but the root cause of disc injuries. The benefits of this approach include:

Osteopathy provides customised treatment plans tailored to the individual’s specific disc injury and overall health condition. This personalised approach ensures that each patient receives care that addresses their unique needs.
Osteopathic techniques are effective in managing pain associated with disc injuries. Gentle manipulations and adjustments are used to alleviate pressure on the nerves and reduce inflammation, offering significant pain relief.
By focusing on the entire musculoskeletal system, osteopathic treatment enhances joint mobility and flexibility, which are often compromised in disc injuries. Improved mobility aids in the overall recovery process.
Osteopathy considers the body as an interconnected system. This holistic perspective allows osteopaths to identify and treat other contributing factors to disc injuries, such as posture imbalances and muscular weaknesses, leading to more comprehensive healing.
Osteopathy not only treats the existing disc injury but also aims to strengthen the body and educate patients on lifestyle and posture to prevent future injuries.
Osteopathic care offers a non-surgical and drug-free alternative for treating disc injuries, making it a safer option for many patients, especially those seeking natural healing methods.
The Benefits of Osteopathic Treatment for a Slipped Disc in London


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Osteopathy vs. Chiropractic: A Focused Analysis for Slipped Disc Treatment

When considering treatment for a slipped disc, patients often find themselves weighing the options between osteopathy and chiropractic care. Both fields have established themselves as key players in non-invasive spinal health care, yet they present distinct approaches and philosophies towards treatment.

Osteopathy, as practiced at MHV Clinic, embraces a holistic view of the body. It extends beyond the immediate area of pain or discomfort, addressing the overall musculoskeletal system and its relation to the body’s other systems. This approach is particularly beneficial in treating slipped discs, as it not only aims to alleviate the pain but also to understand and treat the underlying causes of the condition. Osteopathic treatment incorporates a variety of manual techniques, including but not limited to soft tissue work, joint mobilisation, and overall postural correction.

Osteopathy vs. Chiropractic who is best for treating slipped discs

On the other hand, chiropractic care traditionally focuses on spinal alignment. It operates on the principle that proper alignment of the body’s musculoskeletal structure, particularly the spine, will enable the body to heal itself without surgery or medication. Chiropractors are known for their spinal adjustments – manual manipulations that aim to correct spinal misalignments, believed to be the root cause of many musculoskeletal disorders

The key difference lies in the approach. While chiropractic care tends to concentrate on the spine and its immediate impact on the nervous system, osteopathy takes into account the entire body. An osteopath at MHV Clinic will assess and treat the broader implications of a slipped disc, including potential impact on mobility, overall posture, and even lifestyle factors that may contribute to the condition.

In terms of treatment efficacy, both osteopathy and chiropractic offer significant benefits. However, osteopathy’s comprehensive approach may provide a more thorough treatment plan for slipped discs. This is particularly true when considering long-term health and preventive care. Osteopathic treatment not only addresses the immediate pain and discomfort but also works to correct the overall posture and muscle imbalances that may have contributed to the slipped disc.
At MHV Clinic, we understand the importance of a well-rounded treatment approach. Our osteopathic practitioners are dedicated to providing a comprehensive analysis and treatment plan for patients with slipped discs, focusing on long-term health and well-being. The choice between osteopathy and chiropractic ultimately depends on the individual patient’s condition, preferences, and health goals. Our team is committed to guiding each patient towards the most effective treatment path for their unique situation.

Comparing Treatment Efficacy: Osteopathy for Lasting Relief

When it comes to non-surgical treatments for slipped discs, osteopathy emerges as a particularly effective modality, known for its lasting relief and holistic benefits. At MHV Clinic, our osteopathic approach transcends the conventional boundaries of pain management, delving into the root causes of the slipped disc and its broader impact on the body’s overall function and well-being.

Osteopathic treatment is characterised by its comprehensive, patient-centric
approach. Our skilled osteopaths perform a detailed assessment not only of the affected area but also of the patient’s overall posture, movement patterns,
and lifestyle factors. This thorough evaluation is crucial for understanding the underlying biomechanical and physiological factors contributing to the slipped disc.

Effective treatment in London for Slipped Discs
Slipped Disc Treatment in London by MHV Clinic
The osteopathic treatments at MHV Clinic include a blend of manual therapy techniques, such as gentle spinal manipulation, soft tissue massage, and myofascial release. These techniques aim to alleviate pain, restore mobility, and correct misalignments, thereby addressing both the symptoms and the source of the slipped disc. Moreover, osteopathy’s focus on improving body mechanics and promoting self-healing processes can significantly reduce the risk of recurrence, offering patients a sustainable path to recovery and wellbeing.
Osteopathy’s efficacy in providing lasting relief from slipped discs is further enhanced by its emphasis on patient education and self-care. Our osteopaths guide patients through tailored exercises and lifestyle adjustments, empowering them to actively participate in their recovery and maintain the improvements achieved through treatment. This holistic and proactive approach positions osteopathy as a comprehensive solution for lasting relief from slipped disc-related discomfort.

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At MHV Clinic, we continuously review and incorporate the latest research findings into our practice to ensure that our patients receive the most up-todate and effective treatments.

Understanding the Limitations of Chiropractic in Slipped Disc Care

While chiropractic care is a well-established treatment option for spinal conditions, including slipped discs, it’s important to acknowledge its limitations, especially when compared to the broader scope of osteopathy. Chiropractic treatment primarily focuses on spinal adjustments and manipulation, which can provide immediate relief from pain and discomfort associated with a slipped disc. However, this approach may not address the full spectrum of factors contributing to the condition.
One of the limitations of chiropractic care in the context of slipped discs is its primary focus on spinal alignment. While realigning the spine can relieve pressure on nerves and reduce pain, it may not fully resolve the underlying issues that led to the disc injury. Factors such as muscle imbalances, poor posture, or inadequate body mechanics might require a more comprehensive approach.
Should you visit a chiropractor for treating a slipped disc
Can chiropractors help treat slipped discs
Additionally, chiropractic adjustments, though beneficial for many, may not suit all patients, especially those with certain health conditions or preferences against high-velocity spinal manipulations. Some patients may require a gentler, more gradual treatment approach, which is where osteopathy’s varied and customisable techniques come into play.
At MHV Clinic, we recognise the importance of a treatment approach that encompasses the entire musculoskeletal system and its interplay with other bodily functions. Our osteopathic treatments offer a more rounded approach to slipped disc care, addressing not just the symptoms but also the contributing and underlying factors. This holistic view, combined with a commitment to patient education and long-term health, makes osteopathy a preferred choice for many seeking comprehensive care for slipped discs.

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Personalised Osteopathic Treatment Plans for Slipped Discs at MHV Clinic

At MHV Clinic, we recognise that each individual’s experience with a slipped disc is unique, necessitating a personalised approach to treatment. Our commitment to providing tailored osteopathic care is rooted in the understanding that effective recovery extends beyond general treatment protocols.
Our process begins with a thorough assessment, taking into account not just the physical manifestations of the slipped disc but also the patient’s overall health, lifestyle, and daily activities. This holistic evaluation allows us to identify the specific needs and challenges of each patient. Based on this comprehensive understanding, we develop a customised treatment plan that aligns with the individual’s unique condition and recovery goals.
The personalised osteopathic treatment plans at MHV Clinic may include a variety of techniques such as spinal manipulation, soft tissue therapy, and myofascial release. These are selected and combined to specifically address the patient’s pain levels, mobility issues, and other related symptoms. Additionally, we emphasise the importance of gradual progression in treatment intensity and frequency, ensuring a safe and effective healing process.
Furthermore, our osteopaths provide ongoing support and adjustments to the treatment plan as needed. Regular evaluations and feedback sessions enable us to track progress and make necessary modifications, ensuring that each patient remains on the path to optimal recovery. This dynamic and responsive approach underscores our commitment to delivering personalised care that truly resonates with the needs of each individual at MHV Clinic.

Integrating Osteopathic Care with Lifestyle Adjustments for Slipped Disc Management

The approach to managing slipped discs at MHV Clinic extends beyond the confines of traditional osteopathic treatment. We firmly believe in the power of integrating osteopathic care with lifestyle adjustments to achieve a holistic recovery. This comprehensive approach not only targets the immediate symptoms but also addresses the factors contributing to the condition, promoting long-term health and prevention of recurrence.
Our osteopaths work closely with patients to identify lifestyle habits and patterns that may impact their condition. This can range from evaluating ergonomic setups at work and home to assessing daily physical activities and exercise routines. By understanding these aspects of a patient’s life, we can provide practical and effective recommendations tailored to their specific situation.
Lifestyle adjustments often include guidance on proper posture, both during everyday activities and while performing specific tasks. We also advise on ergonomic modifications to workstations and seating arrangements to reduce strain on the back and spine. Furthermore, our osteopaths may suggest specific exercises and stretches designed to strengthen the core and back muscles, enhancing spinal support and stability.
Nutritional advice may also be provided as part of the treatment plan, recognising the role of diet in inflammation and overall body health. Patients are encouraged to adopt a balanced diet rich in anti-inflammatory foods, which can support the body’s natural healing processes.
Incorporating these lifestyle adjustments into our osteopathic treatment plans empowers patients to take an active role in their recovery and maintenance of spinal health. This integrated approach at MHV Clinic not only facilitates effective management of slipped discs but also fosters a greater awareness and commitment to overall well-being among our patients.
At MHV Clinic, our goal is to guide you through this decision-making process, ensuring you have a clear understanding of both approaches. Our team is dedicated to helping you choose the treatment path that aligns best with your health needs and personal preferences, setting you on the course to optimal nerve health and overall wellness.

Enhancing Recovery: Lifestyle Recommendations from Osteopathic Experts

At MHV Clinic, enhancing the recovery process for patients with slipped discs involves more than just hands-on treatment. Our osteopathic experts strongly advocate incorporating specific lifestyle recommendations into each patient’s recovery plan. These suggestions are tailored to complement the physical treatments and accelerate the healing process.
Key lifestyle recommendations often include advice on daily physical activities. We guide patients on how to move safely and effectively, reducing the risk of aggravating the slipped disc. This may involve demonstrating proper lifting techniques, advising on safe exercise routines, and suggesting gentle stretches that can help alleviate pain and improve mobility.
Symptoms, Diagnosis & treatment of slipped discs London
How does osteopathy help with slipped disc
Diet and nutrition also play a significant role in recovery. Our osteopaths provide guidance on anti-inflammatory foods and proper hydration to support the body’s natural healing processes. Nutritional advice may include incorporating omega-3 fatty acids, leafy greens, and other nutrients that contribute to tissue repair and overall health.
Stress management techniques are another crucial aspect of the lifestyle recommendations. Stress can exacerbate pain and hinder the healing process. We introduce patients to relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, mindfulness, and gentle yoga, which can help in managing stress and promoting a positive recovery environment.
By integrating these lifestyle recommendations, our osteopathic approach at MHV Clinic ensures a well-rounded and effective recovery process, helping patients return to their daily activities with confidence and comfort.
At MHV Clinic, we take pride in offering top-tier osteopathic care, ensuring that each patient receives the attention, care, and expertise needed to achieve optimal health and relief from nerve-related discomfort.

Preventative Strategies: Osteopathy's Role in Avoiding Future Disc Problems

Preventative care is a cornerstone of the osteopathic philosophy at MHV Clinic, particularly concerning slipped disc management. Our approach extends beyond immediate treatment, focusing on strategies that help prevent future disc problems. This proactive stance is essential for long-term spinal health and overall well-being.
One key aspect of prevention involves educating patients on maintaining proper posture in various settings, whether at work, during exercise, or in daily activities. Good posture is fundamental to reducing undue stress on the spine and maintaining correct alignment, which is critical in preventing disc issues.
Regular exercise and physical activity, tailored to each patient’s condition and capabilities, are also integral to prevention. Our osteopaths recommend specific exercises that strengthen the core and back muscles, providing better support to the spine. This, in turn, helps to mitigate the risk of future slipped disc incidents.
How osteopathy can help relieve slipped disc pain through treatment
Which is better for a slipped disc, an osteopath or chiropractor
We also focus on flexibility and mobility exercises that keep the spine supple and less prone to injury. These exercises are designed to enhance the range of motion and reduce stiffness, further protecting against potential disc problems.
Additionally, we address lifestyle factors such as weight management, as excess body weight can put additional strain on the spine. Our osteopaths provide guidance on healthy eating habits and physical activities that support weight control, which is a key factor in spinal health.
By emphasising these preventative strategies, MHV Clinic’s osteopathic approach not only helps patients recover from current slipped disc issues but also equips them with the knowledge and habits necessary to avoid future spinal problems. This long-term perspective on health and prevention is what sets our clinic apart, ensuring our patients enjoy a life free from spinal issues.
At MHV Clinic, we take pride in offering top-tier osteopathic care, ensuring that each patient receives the attention, care, and expertise needed to achieve optimal health and relief from nerve-related discomfort.

Embracing Osteopathy for Comprehensive Slipped Disc Care at MHV Clinic

The journey towards healing and managing a slipped disc at MHV Clinic is rooted in our deep commitment to osteopathic principles and patient-centred care. Our approach transcends conventional treatment methods, offering a comprehensive solution that not only alleviates the immediate discomfort associated with a slipped disc but also focuses on the long-term health and prevention of future spinal issues.
Our osteopathic practitioners bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise, delivering tailored treatments that address the unique needs of each patient. From precise manual therapy techniques to holistic lifestyle guidance, every aspect of our care is designed to promote optimal spinal health and overall well-being. We take pride in empowering our patients with the knowledge and tools necessary for a proactive approach to their health, ensuring they maintain the benefits of our treatment in their daily lives.
At MHV Clinic, we understand that the path to recovery from a slipped disc is not a linear one, but a journey that requires patience, commitment, and the right therapeutic support. We are dedicated to being your trusted partner on this journey, providing compassionate care and expert guidance every step of the way. By choosing osteopathy at MHV Clinic, you are choosing a path to pain-free living and a future of balanced well-being.
We invite you to experience the MHV Clinic difference, where your health and comfort are our top priorities. Let us guide you towards a life of improved posture, enhanced mobility, and optimal health. Contact us today to begin your journey to recovery and discover the lasting benefits of osteopathic care for slipped disc treatment.
I have been to many osteopath before at least 3- 4 different ones, but no one has been able to get to the root of the problem. It's normally a few clicks on the neck and spine and that is it. But, Poonam really focuses on the issue and loosens the tighten muscle. She advises on what exercises to do, pillow support for the neck and much more. My neck and shoulders feel much better now.
John Doe
MHV Clinic Patient

Frequently Asked Questions

The choice between an osteopath and a chiropractor for a slipped disc depends on individual preferences and specific health needs. Osteopathy offers a holistic approach, considering the entire musculoskeletal system and incorporating lifestyle and dietary advice. Chiropractic care, focusing primarily on spinal adjustments, might provide quicker relief for some spinal-related issues. However, for a comprehensive treatment plan that addresses the root cause and overall body mechanics, osteopathy is often considered more beneficial.
A chiropractor can provide relief from the symptoms of a slipped disc through spinal adjustments and manipulation. These techniques can help reduce nerve irritation and improve spinal alignment, which may alleviate the discomfort caused by a slipped disc. However, chiropractic care primarily focuses on symptom relief rather than holistic healing.
Whether a chiropractor is better than an osteopath depends on the specific needs and health goals of the individual. Chiropractors are often preferred for immediate spinal realignment and quick pain relief, especially in acute cases. In contrast, osteopaths take a more holistic approach, focusing on the entire body and offering a comprehensive treatment plan that includes lifestyle and postural advice, which can be beneficial for long-term health and prevention.
Yes, you can see an osteopath for a slipped disc. Osteopaths are trained to treat various musculoskeletal issues, including slipped discs. They use a range of techniques to not only alleviate pain but also to address underlying causes, such as muscular imbalances and postural issues, which can be particularly effective in treating and preventing slipped discs.
The best therapy for a slipped disc varies based on individual cases. Osteopathy is often considered one of the most effective therapies due to its holistic approach. It addresses not only the pain and discomfort associated with a slipped disc but also aims to correct underlying issues such as postural imbalances and muscular weaknesses, offering a more comprehensive and long-lasting solution.
The best treatment for a slipped disc often involves a combination of approaches, including physical therapy, osteopathic treatment, and lifestyle modifications. Osteopathy is highly regarded for its effectiveness in treating slipped discs as it provides a holistic treatment approach, addressing the entire body’s alignment and mechanics, along with offering advice on lifestyle changes that can aid in recovery and prevent recurrence.
For more information or to begin your journey with us, contact MHV Clinic today. Embrace the path to better health, where your well-being is our utmost priority.